Artefiera 2018: Winners&Winners

7 mins read

Bologna (2-5 February 2018). The 42nd edition of Arte Fiera has distinguished itself from the other years for the greatest number of artists under 30/40, the choice of the artistic director of the Fair, Angela Vettese was to compact the format, extend the temporal continuity and abolish the boundaries between the two halls, understood as a single opening, a mixture of methods and techniques to make Art. In fact, two sections were spread in the city, the first was ‘Photo’ distributed between the two pavilions 25 and 26 within the Fair, while the section ‘Polis’ was launched in the city. Moreover, the Fair is further divided in a subsection called ’Modernity’, which is not observing modern art as such, or as currently understood as early 20th century art, but as ‘actuality’ from the word’s Latin root ‘modo’, as stated in the press release. Regina José Galindo (Guatemala 1974) exhibiting with the Prometeogallery, an artist famous for her political, social and cultural performances, in particular in defense of women’s rights; and Martino Genchi (Italy 1982) of the Michela Rizzo Gallery, who focuses on the relationship between man and environment, a point of contact, visible and therefore knowable with his works, sometimes are master stones, other are objects which investigate nature in her forms and stages.

The Fair, under the direction of Vettese, has strengthened another link with the city, thanks to ‘Polis’, in which installations were presented and exhibited in evocative spaces not always open to the public. An example of the expanded presence in the city of contemporary and young artists. ‘Polis’ has been divided into Artworks, Cinema, Special Projects: performing the gallery and BBQ. For the section Artworks for artists: Andreco of the gallery Traffic at Palazzo Poggi, Valerio Berruti of Marcorossi at Palazzo D’Accursio, Giuseppe De Mattia for Matèria, Sanna Kannisto and Rachele Maistrello for Metronom at Spazio Carbonesi.

Another novelty of 2018 was the introduction of another section, Nueva Vista, curated by Simone Frangi, which includes the insertion of works of art by very young artists, some of those who have escaped from the Academies in Italy or abroad.

Other important prizes of this edition which have helped young artists emerge,such as the Euromobil Award which has sponsored the Fair some 12 years, and others such as  the ANGAMC award, #ContemporaryYoung award, the Rotary award and two new awards they decided to promote new artists, the Consultinvest Award and the Porsche Bologna Center Award.

The winning artists.

The winners under 30 of the Euromobil Group Award 2018, are Barbara De Vivi (Marcolini Gallery) and Matthew Attard (Michela Rizzo Gallery), 1991 and 1987. Both artists have studied or have lived in Venice.
The #ContemporaryYoung award went to Rodrigo Hernandez (1983), while Consultinvest awarded Liu Bolin (1973)
The ANGAMC Award went to a Milanese art dealer, for his commitment to art, Giorgio Marconi of GioMarconi art gallery.
For the Bologna Porsche Center Award, we review, the artist Martino Genchi.

The winning artists for Made In Mind

The artists who have been awarded a prize by MIM are all those artists who day by day believe in their work, far from the effects of the market, the artists that with their life, their passion make art in every moment. In particular, we want to draw attention to:

Cosimo Terlizzi  of the Traffic Gallery of Bergamo, for his mixed-media work and for his research which aims to discover one’s self, in a deep, human and emotional investigation of his time. 
L’Orma, or Lorenzo Mariani of Spazio Testoni of Bologna, because his art poses strong questions, which leaves us fascinated by the use of different media, in particular we are final surprised at the end with his work ‘Struzzi’. 
Christto & Andrew with ‘Current Obsession’ from the Metronom gallery of Modena, for the fun, colorful and at the same time cutting edge view of the world and culture, which is filled with characters drawn from an irreverent subsoil, redefining the concept of beauty.
Francesco De Molfetta for the gallery Il Mappamondo of Milano, a virtuous artist who, with the use of ceramics, has been able to interpret the many sides of culture in a singular and recognizable style, elegant and ruthless.
Silvia Camporesi of the MLB Home Gallery of Ferrara, which has distinguished itself for its photographic research, in a plot that combines sensitivity, memory and love for the discovery of places not to be forgotten. The photographer is creating an atlas of places, which she has photographed, to map and sediment them in our memory.

Last but not least, a prize for commitment, tenacity and love for art, is awarded to Maria Livia Brunelli, art dealer and owner of MLB Home Gallery in Ferrara [Corso Ercole I d’Este, 3], who along with Fabrizio Casetti have for years been selecting the best emerging and established photographers in a growing work of research and promotion. In addition, stand A62 in Hall 26, was among the most visited during the fair, set up as a bedroom to commemorate the setting of the Ferrara headquarters, which as defined by Cesare Pietroiusti is “a relational gallery”. An intimate and warm space that opens to the public. Come on, go and visit it.

I have been living and working in Milan since 2016 where I teach and write about contemporary art. I follow my passion for art always, not only for my career, but also for my hobbies, in fact, I define myself an art lover. I also love to travel and read. I have been writing for Made In Mind since 2017, I have been manage the Streams column since 2020.

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